Vilken färg är ditt namn?

Hittade en rolig grej på Blog Things där man får veta vilken färg ens namn är, och min färg är blå. Lite komiskt egentligen då jag inte alls är förtjust i blått, men det mesta av det som står i texten stämmer alldeles utmärkt.

Your Name is Blue

Your name tells people that you are friendly and caring. You have a strong sense of empathy, and you aren’t afraid to wear your heart for all to see.
You can often be found in quiet reflection. You rather think about something than act on it.

People see you as insightful and intuitive. You usually have a wise take on what’s going on.
You try to rise above your instincts. You believe that it’s important to live as good of a life as possible.

Vilken färg är ditt namn?


  1. Lila 🙂

    ”Your name tells people that you are polite and cultured. You are well mannered and always act appropriately.
    Compared to most people, you have a much broader view of the world. You are truly cosmopolitan.

    People see you as wise and civilized. No matter how bad things get, you always keep your head.
    If someone angers you, you try not to lower yourself to their level. Fighting and insults are beneath you.”

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